Patient Discoveries about Hormones: Andrea's Story

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

"Wait til after 50 to get hormone therapy." That's what Andrea's primary care doctor said while she was complaining about a whole host of symptoms of low hormones including memory loss, anger, weight gain, low sex drive, hot flashes, irritability.

She finally decided that enough was enough and she turned to hormone specialists at Tutera Medical. Watch her story to find out what she discovered after balancing her hormones.

Am I too young for Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy has been associated with the reduced production of hormones in men and women as they age. Most connect hormone therapy with men and women in their 40's and 50's, however hormonal decline is beginning at younger ages. So when does one start to consider hormone replacement therapy?

"I run three businesses, and I thought maybe I was just overdoing it, but I’ve always been a high achiever and I think one of the issues was just the hormone imbalance. When we did the bloodwork…I was way out of chart…I really needed something and fast, and I had been living like that for a long time! "-Andrea, Patient

Women and men in their early 30's may not attribute these symptoms to hormonal imbalances, however the body's ability to produce optimal levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body can vary even at younger ages.

Symptoms of Hormonal Decline

  • Lowered sex-drive

  • Decreased energy

  • Depression

  • Difficulty building Muscle

  • Weight gain

  • Insomnia

  • Memory loss

Are you experiencing these symptoms?

Nobody knows your body better than YOU! If you're experiencing some or all of the symptoms of hormonal decline, contact your physician. A simple blood test from your healthcare provider can determine which hormone level is lacking and together you can come up with the best method of treatment to optimize your hormone levels.

Don't wait until you're older to achieve hormone balance...feel better TODAY!

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